SOFI Knowledge Map Update - January 2016

SOFI Knowledge Map Update – January 2016

You may be wondering what is going on with the SOFI Knowledge Map, since we last posted about it in September 2015. We are almost to Launch Day!


We know researchers in the field of solar fuels have several options when they search for relevant research materials. While Web of Science and SciFinder have unquestionable benefits, they still don’t offer detailed access to relevant metrics and data without accessing the original manuscript. We know from experience that a paper may sound very promising, but 30 minutes later you are in the middle of a 20 page behemoth and no numbers are insight. The SOFI Knowledge Map is designed to enable researchers to view data and metrics present in a publication, before reading the publication, ensuring the time spent reading publications is maximized.

That is too easy, you say. And we agree, sort of. The SOFI Knowledge Map depends on the research community at large to enter the data and metrics from published papers. Due to the non-standardized nature of solar fuels publications, text-mining software has had little success pulling out relevant information from solar fuels related publications. With this in mind, SOFI set out to design a database and data entry platform to accommodate our field specific taxonomy (as discussed in this blog post). Our goal is to make data entry as painless as possible, allowing users to both store the metrics and facts from papers they have read and to access efforts of other users to maximize time spent reading relevant publications.

To contribute data to the SOFI Knowledge Map, find the paper you want to contribute and navigate to it’s detailed page. Click the “Add Data” button next to the detailed view and you begin the data entry process. If the paper you are interested in doesn’t yet exist in the database, please use the “Dashboard” linkDashboard_locations near the top of the page and enter the DOI of the missing publication.The SOFI database will load the bibliographic metadata for you, allowing you to focus on entering the finer details.DOIImport

With automation, bugs and glitches can occur. If you notice missing bibliographic information or incorrect information, please feel free to correct it by clicking “Add Data” and saving the information. If you see an error or encounter an issue, feel free to contact us. We want you to find the SOFI Knowledge Map as functional as we envision it can be.

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